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儿童乐园/Kids lands

      为激发幼儿学习英语的兴趣,提高幼儿英语口语表达能力,营造良好的英语学习氛围,布朗幼儿园海口金盘园近期开展了一场以“Brown English,Happy English”为主题的布朗英语风采展示活动,旨在为每位幼儿学习英语提供一个展示自我的机会,让孩子在英语展示中体验成功和快乐!

  In an effort to motivate children to learn English ,while improving their oral abilities, and to create a productive environment for learning English, Brown Kindergarten will give a performance entitled “Happy English” Each child will have an opportunity to show their skills and individual success during the performance.


   The performance is open for all kids to participate, No matter what level they are, they can join the performance. This activity has been met with great anticipation from both kids and parents.


   This performance will be demonstrated by all attendees as a class. A final performance will be presented for the entire school and select individuals will be chosen to participate in the final performance based on their individual abilities. The final performance will be held on the 17th of December.

        在紧锣密鼓的准备中,我们迎来了全园布朗英语展示活动!一曲英文歌曲《Action Song》拉开了此次展示活动的序幕。瞧,动听欢快的旋律马上吸引了孩子们,不由自主随着音乐一起快乐的互动起来。瞧,主持人KIKI老师和两位可爱的英语小主持一亮相就惊艳了大家,落落大方的姿态,纯正流利的英语发音,让在场观众纷纷感叹:发音标准呀!就像一个耀眼的小明星!好希望我也能像他们一样呢!我也要好好学习英语,争取下一次站在舞台上的那个人就是我!

    After continued preparation, we witnessed our host teacher Kiki and our two student hosts impress us with their natural and fluent pronunciation. We all hope these students can be an example for all of our children at Brown Kindergarten. The audience that attended was full of praise and applause.  It was a very successful learning experience for everyone.


    The principal gave a presentation. She encouraged the kids and wished they well for a wonderful performance.


    With confidence, the students of Brown Kindergarten had the opportunity to showcase their talents. The children stood confidently while reading English stories, singing English songs, and reciting English poems. Afterwards, each child was presented with a certificate of achievement. It is our sincere belief that each child will continue their successful learning experience at Brown Kindergarten. 


  The performance started with kids from Brown Kindergarten. They presented themselves and demonstrated their confidence, growth, and motivation for learning English. It was an enthusiastic connection between the children and parents. With continued believe our future performances will continue to become better and better. We all look forward to their best event. 

发布日期:2020/12/21  本文被浏览了794次


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